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Antworten zum Thema „Menü brauche dringend hilfe“


Noch nicht viel geschrieben

Moin zu zusammen, ich arbeite derzeit an einem neuen Design für meinen Clan und komme nicht weiter.

Teil 1. Spin Slider Bilder die durch klicken drehen.

Teil 2. In einem vorbestimmten Bereich soll sich der Name ändern z.b. Clan, Community und Kontakt.

Teil 3. Das entsprechende Menü wird direkt mit geändert.
Das ganze versuche ich für das ilch cms.

Der erste Teil steht, Teil 2 und 3 ist zusammen gefasst.

Die Hilfe die ich benötige setzt an dem Punkt an wo die Teile zusammengefasst werden.
Genauer gesagt ist möglich wenn ja wie bekomme ich die Teile zusammen das die Funktionen weiterhin bestehen bleiben?

Folgenden Code habe ich bisher zusammen bekommen.

Teil 1:
eye={p:0,x:0,y:0,w:0,h:0,r:0,v:0,s:0,isVertical:0,a1:0,a2:0,a3:0,color:'#ffffff',colorover:'#ffffff',backgroundcolor:'#0099ff',backgroundcolorover:'#000000',bordercolor:'#000000',fontsize:12,fontfamily:'Arial',pas:0,spinmenu:function(){this.p=this.r/this.s;this.a1=this.a2=this.isVertical?0:Math.PI/2},spinmenuitem:function(a7,a6,a5,a4){a4="'";document.write("<div id='spinmenu"+this.a3+"' style='cursor:pointer;cursor:expression(\"hand\");position:absolute;width:"+this.w+"px;left:"+this.h+"px;text-align:center;cursor:default;z-Index:1000;"+a4+"><img src=\""+a6+"\" /></div>");this.a3++}

this.a1=this.a2;setTimeout("eye.muta()",10)}},spinmenuclose:function(){this.pas=2*Math.PI/this.a3;document.write('<div id="controale" align="center" style="width:190px; height:20px;"><div id="tab4" align="center" style="width:190px; height:20px;"><a href="#" rel=\""+a5+"\"><img src="include/designs/iGaming3/pics/MS_1.png" alt="nextleft" border="0" width="40" height="20" align="left" onclick="eye.a2+=eye.pas;eye.muta()" onfocus="this.blur()"/></a><img src="include/designs/iGaming3/pics/MS_2.png" alt="middle" border="0" width="100" height="20" align="center" /><a href="#" rel=\""+a4+"\"><img src="include/designs/iGaming3/pics/MS_3.png" alt="nextright" border="0" width="40" height="20" align="right" onclick="eye.a2-=eye.pas;eye.muta()" onfocus="this.blur()"/></a><div></div>');eye.muta()}};

function getposOffset(what, offsettype){var totaloffset=(offsettype=="left")? what.offsetLeft : what.offsetTop;var parentEl=what.offsetParent;while (parentEl!=null){totaloffset=(offsettype=="left")? totaloffset+parentEl.offsetLeft :totaloffset+parentEl.offsetTop;parentEl=parentEl.offsetParent;}return totaloffset;

Teil 2:
function ddtabcontent(tabinterfaceid){
	this.tabinterfaceid=tabinterfaceid //ID of Tab Menu main container
	this.tabs=document.getElementById(tabinterfaceid).getElementsByTagName("a") //Get all tab links within container
	this.hottabspositions=[] //Array to store position of tabs that have a "rel" attr defined, relative to all tab links, within container
	this.currentTabIndex=0 //Index of currently selected hot tab (tab with sub content) within hottabspositions[] array
	this.subcontentids=[] //Array to store ids of the sub contents ("rel" attr values)
	this.revcontentids=[] //Array to store ids of arbitrary contents to expand/contact as well ("rev" attr values)
	this.selectedClassTarget="link" //keyword to indicate which target element to assign "selected" CSS class ("linkparent" or "link")

	var re=new RegExp(Name+"=[^;]+", "i"); //construct RE to search for target name/value pair
	if (document.cookie.match(re)) //if cookie found
		return document.cookie.match(re)[0].split("=")[1] //return its value
	return ""

ddtabcontent.setCookie=function(name, value){
	document.cookie = name+"="+value+";path=/" //cookie value is domain wide (path=/)


	expandit:function(tabid_or_position){ //PUBLIC function to select a tab either by its ID or position(int) within its peers
		this.cancelautorun() //stop auto cycling of tabs (if running)
		var tabref=""
			if (typeof tabid_or_position=="string" && document.getElementById(tabid_or_position).getAttribute("rel")) //if specified tab contains "rel" attr
			else if (parseInt(tabid_or_position)!=NaN && this.tabs[tabid_or_position].getAttribute("rel")) //if specified tab contains "rel" attr
		catch(err){alert("Invalid Tab ID or position entered!")}
		if (tabref!="") //if a valid tab is found based on function parameter
			this.expandtab(tabref) //expand this tab

	cycleit:function(dir, autorun){ //PUBLIC function to move foward or backwards through each hot tab (tabinstance.cycleit('foward/back') )
		if (dir=="next"){
			var currentTabIndex=(this.currentTabIndex<this.hottabspositions.length-1)? this.currentTabIndex+1 : 0
		else if (dir=="prev"){
			var currentTabIndex=(this.currentTabIndex>0)? this.currentTabIndex-1 : this.hottabspositions.length-1
		if (typeof autorun=="undefined") //if cycleit() is being called by user, versus autorun() function
			this.cancelautorun() //stop auto cycling of tabs (if running)

	setpersist:function(bool){ //PUBLIC function to toggle persistence feature

	setselectedClassTarget:function(objstr){ //PUBLIC function to set which target element to assign "selected" CSS class ("linkparent" or "link")
		this.selectedClassTarget=objstr || "link"

	getselectedClassTarget:function(tabref){ //Returns target element to assign "selected" CSS class to
		return (this.selectedClassTarget==("linkparent".toLowerCase()))? tabref.parentNode : tabref

		var RegExp(tabinterfaceid+"=(\\d+)", "i")) //check for "?tabinterfaceid=2" in URL
		return (result==null)? null : parseInt(RegExp.$1) //returns null or index, where index (int) is the selected tab's index

		var subcontentid=tabref.getAttribute("rel") //Get id of subcontent to expand
		//Get "rev" attr as a string of IDs in the format ",john,george,trey,etc," to easily search through
		var associatedrevids=(tabref.getAttribute("rev"))? ","+tabref.getAttribute("rev").replace(/\s+/, "")+"," : ""
		for (var i=0; i<this.tabs.length; i++){ //Loop through all tabs, and assign only the selected tab the CSS class "selected"
			this.getselectedClassTarget(this.tabs[i]).className=(this.tabs[i].getAttribute("rel")==subcontentid)? "selected" : ""
		if (this.enabletabpersistence) //if persistence enabled, save selected tab position(int) relative to its peers
			ddtabcontent.setCookie(this.tabinterfaceid, tabref.tabposition)
		this.setcurrenttabindex(tabref.tabposition) //remember position of selected tab within hottabspositions[] array

		for (var i=0; i<this.subcontentids.length; i++){
			var subcontent=document.getElementById(this.subcontentids[i]) //cache current subcontent obj (in for loop) "block" : "none" //"show" or hide sub content based on matching id attr value

		var allrevids=this.revcontentids
		for (var i=0; i<allrevids.length; i++){ //Loop through rev attributes for all tabs in this tab interface
			//if any values stored within associatedrevids matches one within allrevids, expand that DIV, otherwise, contract it
			document.getElementById(allrevids[i]).style.display=(associatedrevids.indexOf(","+allrevids[i]+",")!=-1)? "block" : "none"

	setcurrenttabindex:function(tabposition){ //store current position of tab (within hottabspositions[] array)
		for (var i=0; i<this.hottabspositions.length; i++){
			if (tabposition==this.hottabspositions[i]){

	autorun:function(){ //function to auto cycle through and select tabs based on a set interval
		this.cycleit('next', true)

		if (typeof this.autoruntimer!="undefined")

		var persistedtab=ddtabcontent.getCookie(this.tabinterfaceid) //get position of persisted tab (applicable if persistence is enabled)
		var selectedtab=-1 //Currently selected tab index (-1 meaning none)
		var selectedtabfromurl=this.urlparamselect(this.tabinterfaceid) //returns null or index from: tabcontent.htm?tabinterfaceid=index
		this.automodeperiod=automodeperiod || 0
		for (var i=0; i<this.tabs.length; i++){
			this.tabs[i].tabposition=i //remember position of tab relative to its peers
			if (this.tabs[i].getAttribute("rel")){
				var tabinstance=this
				this.hottabspositions[this.hottabspositions.length]=i //store position of "hot" tab ("rel" attr defined) relative to its peers
				this.subcontentids[this.subcontentids.length]=this.tabs[i].getAttribute("rel") //store id of sub content ("rel" attr value)
					tabinstance.cancelautorun() //stop auto cycling of tabs (if running)
					return false
				if (this.tabs[i].getAttribute("rev")){ //if "rev" attr defined, store each value within "rev" as an array element
				if (selectedtabfromurl==i || this.enabletabpersistence && selectedtab==-1 && parseInt(persistedtab)==i || !this.enabletabpersistence && selectedtab==-1 && this.getselectedClassTarget(this.tabs[i]).className=="selected"){
					selectedtab=i //Selected tab index, if found
		} //END for loop
		if (selectedtab!=-1) //if a valid default selected tab index is found
			this.expandtab(this.tabs[selectedtab]) //expand selected tab (either from URL parameter, persistent feature, or class="selected" class)
		else //if no valid default selected index found
			this.expandtab(this.tabs[this.hottabspositions[0]]) //Just select first tab that contains a "rel" attr
		if (parseInt(this.automodeperiod)>500 && this.hottabspositions.length>1){
			this.autoruntimer=setInterval(function(){tabinstance.autorun()}, this.automodeperiod)
	} //END int() function

} //END Prototype assignment

Würde mich sehr freuen wenn mir jemand weiter Helfen kann.

Demo Link: Design auswahl: iGaming 3
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

Bilder bitte hier hochladen und danach über das Bild-Icon (Direktlink vorher kopieren) platzieren.
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